General conditions of use of the marketplace France PRIVATE TRAVELS by FBC SOLUTIONS
The use of the site developed by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS commits you to respect these conditions, we recommend you to read carefully our general conditions of use before any use.
These General Conditions of Use have been prepared for Users of the site of France Private Travels by FBC SOLUTIONS whose registered office is located 3 ter place Marquis 92140 Clamart.
Anyone surfing on is considered a User, regardless of whether he or she has identified himself or herself.
Your use of the site constitutes agreement to these general terms of use, also, if you do not agree, You are not authorized to use them.
FBC SOLUTIONS reserves the right to modify at any time the terms, conditions and mentions of these Terms of Use on its site Accordingly, We recommend that you periodically check these conditions as they evolve regularly.
1. Definitions
“FBC SOLUTIONS SAS” or “We” means the company FBC SOLUTIONS with a capital of € 28,000, whose registered office is located at 3 ter Place Marquis 92140 Clamart – Registered with the RCS of Nanterre SIRET N ° 801525484 –
Registration Atout France IM092160018 – Financial guarantee with GROUPAMA- Professional liability insurance with Gan Eurocourtage la Défense.
The “Site” means a set of pages and resources linked and accessible through a web address posted by FBC SOLUTIONS to which the User has access, namely a set of Contents, products and services accessible from an information platform , And tools for sharing photos and other content, referencing local travel agencies in France, French hoteliers and / or French events agencies, spread over all our national territory including the french overseas -territories.
We specify that our offers are intended in particular to an INTERNATIONAL customers. We propose a relationship in BTOB (travel agencies tour operators and business providers) of travelers with our partners suppliers in order to make tailor-made trips and a la carte in France.(and tools to share photos and other contents.)
“Content” means any Content that FBC SOLUTIONS offers through, including any Content obtained or not, licensed to a third party.
“Service” means all products and features available on developed by FBC SOLUTIONS.
“User / Account buyer” means any person navigating on, whether or not identified. The user has an account duly completed and validated by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS.
“Partner / Supplier” means the local and independent tourism company based in France that builds trips (tours or excursions) and / or stays and collects the corresponding payments.
“Account” means the individual account created by the user / buyer when registered on the website developed by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS. It also refers to the provider partner’s account which can view its current or completed orders.
“Personal space” means the space gathering the data and personal information of a user / purchaser, accessible in particular via the “My Account” section and comprising travel records and other User contents.
“Content” means any text, graphic, image, music, audio, video, information or other material.
“Partner Content” means any content that a Partner publishes, submits, broadcasts, shares or transmits in order to make it available on the Site
2.Description of Services and Products of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS
The site of connects international travelers and local companies in France (including French destinations overseas) for the construction of tailor-made trips.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS offers Internet users who wish to organize their travels the following services on its platform
• Information, tips and practical factsheets
• Connection with local agencies, hoteliers and / or event agencies called Partners / suppliers, for the construction of customized customized trips
• System for sending contact details and information to selected contacts and partners at the time of receipt of travel logs
• Mangopay secure payment system recognized by the European Commission
• Creating and sharing testimonials, comments and opinions
• Creating and sharing content
• Provides users with a blog with comprehensive information on French tourist news and other content that can provide information on destinations, suppliers, events and other platforms
3. Copyright and Intellectual Property of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS
FBC SOLUTIONS is the owner of all intellectual property rights (such as in particular copyright, neighboring rights, trademark rights, rights of producers of databases) relating to the structure as well as to all Content (such as images , Sounds, videos, photographs, logos, brands, graphic elements, tools, software, documents and all other data) of developed by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS.
There is no right of use or license to use these Content without a specific, prior and written agreement FBC SOLUTIONS SAS.
Any reproduction, representation, publication, transmission, use or modification, in whole or in part, of Content of the site, made without the express authorization of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is illegal.
These unlawful acts entail the responsibility of the perpetrator and may lead to legal proceedings against them, in particular for infringement. The brands FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and / or FARNCE PRIVATE TRAVELS as well as the logos and brands of the partners appearing on the site are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these marks and / or logos without the express authorization of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is prohibited.
Any unauthorized reproduction of trademarks, logos and distinctive signs constitutes an infringement liable to penal sanctions. The offender is liable to civil and criminal penalties, including the penalties provided for in Articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Similarly, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is a producer of databases. Consequently, any extraction and / or reuse of the database (s) within the meaning of Articles L 342-1 and L 342-2 of the Intellectual Property Code is prohibited.
The use of by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS authorizes the user to view, download and print the Contents of the Site for their strictly personal use in the case of a direct or commercial sale in The framework of a sale in BTOB.
Any other use must be the subject of a request for specific prior authorization and written with FBC SOLUTIONS by its site heading to create an account in French or in English.
Unless expressly authorized, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce, copy, transmit, redistribute or republish Partial or total contents u site of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS without the specific prior written authorization of FBC SOLUTIOS SAS
In addition, and in any case, it is not permitted to modify the Content, or to modify or delete the copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices associated with the Content.
By using the site the user agrees to comply with these Terms of Use. This use will respect the rights of third parties and applicable laws.
You expressly undertake to indemnify FBC SOLUTIONS SAS in the event of any liability to third parties for any use not in compliance with these General Conditions of Use of the site developed by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS. is not allowed to minors or persons who do not have the capacity to use them in accordance with all the provisions of the present agreement.
The use of in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use is free of charge to its users except for connection fees to date.
Navigation can lead to the use of independent third-party sites and having its own general conditions of use. FBC SOLUTIONS SAS can not be associated with third party sites visited.
The use of may bring the User to third party sites.
The third party sites linked to the Sites are not published by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and as such FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is not responsible for the Contents of the third party sites linked to the Sites.
The responsibility of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS via its platform with respect to the qualities of the products and Services offered can not be retained. It is up to the user to make the necessary checks before committing.
Consequently, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS does not bear any responsibility for the Contents, advertisements, products, Services or any other tool available on or from external sites or sources. FBC SOLUTIONS can not be held liable for any consequential damages or in connection with the use of these links.
6. Responsibility for Contents
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS makes every effort to provide users with available tools and / or reliable information and / or content. However, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and / or its partners can not guarantee to the Net surfers the accuracy, completeness and / or timeliness of the information and / or Contents provided as well as the availability of these elements and tools.
Consequently, the liability of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and / or its partners may not be incurred as a result of the use of the information and / or Content provided and / or the tools made available on its site
7. Use of community tools allows Registered Users who wish to view photos, stories and experiences. Thus, the registered User may, at his leisure, file his comments which will then be disseminated.
The Partner / Supplier grants to FBC SOLUTIONS SAS the right to distribute the Contents that it has produced and deposited. The contents of the partners / suppliers thus produced and put online can be freely visualized, used, transferred, shared, copied, translated, published with their agreement or that of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS which has deposited them in any media, Form or purpose (commercial, promotional or not).
In the event of non-compliance with this clause, the user agrees to release FBC SOLUTIONS SAS from any claim arising from such infringement and, if applicable, to indemnify FBC SOLUTIONS SAS.
The user undertakes to publish only the appropriate Content and in accordance with the purpose of the heading.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS does not control all Content entrusted by users prior to broadcasting, and reserves the right to withdraw any Content at any time for any reason, without notice and in its sole discretion.
8. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The liability of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and / or of third parties can not be committed vis-à-vis the Contents placed on line, nor by their use, nor with respect to any direct or indirect prejudice or damage of any kind whatsoever and this in a non-limiting way .
Injury or injury shall be defined as:
• Any content that is defamatory, polemical, pornographic, xenophobic or which may, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the greatest number,
• Any interruption of activity or service,
• Any inability to use proposed results,
• The inadequacy of the results provided and the shortfalls resulting from this inadequacy.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS makes no commitment to the accuracy, adequacy or impartiality of the Content being published. The contents are exposed “as is” and as such, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS excludes any guarantee of quality or suitability for a particular use.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS may withdraw any Content at any time with or without notice.
Where the Content relating to the Partner / Provider, disseminated on the Site, infringes freedom, respect for persons, image, reputation, infringement of copyright, right to the image, are defamatory , Or for any reason, the Partner / Supplier may contact FBC SOLUTIONS SAS to request its withdrawal.
After notification, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS undertakes to proceed as soon as possible to the evaluation of the Contested Content and the reasons and after verification of the identities of the requesting persons to arbitrate the withdrawal of the Contents in question.
It is recommended that the partner / supplier carefully evaluate the facts before making any claims, which involve the responsibility of the user.
10. Termination of Services, Complaints
We reserve the right to terminate at any time the account of the User / Buyer in the event of non-compliance with any of its obligations. All your personal data would be deleted in this case.
Without this being an obligation for us, we reserve the right to carry out control operations, on an ad hoc basis, unilaterally or at the request of a third party, to verify compliance by the User with the The terms of these General Conditions of Use as well as the contractual documents supplementing and / or modifying them. These checks may, if necessary, give rise to suspensions of the User Account in the event that we request from the User the provision of information relating to the deficiencies found. These checks may also, if necessary, provide us with the right to terminate the User’s Account.
The User / Buyer can also completely delete his Customer Account. Similarly, a Partner / Supplier may request to terminate its partnership contract in accordance with the conditions notified on its representation contract, with FBC SOLUTIONS SAS and no longer see its contents appear on the website of, unless There is still an order in progress. After the complete execution of the last command, both the User and the Partner can freely delete your data.
If the Partner and / or the User find abuses or violations, or for any complaint relating to the Service, please contact our Customer Service by email:
Or by writing to the following address: FBC SOLUTIONS SAS 3 ter Place Marquis 92140 Clamart
The signed application must include a copy of an identity document as well as the login details of the site.
12. Access to the site and services FBC SOLUTIONS SAS
A. Access configuration
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS offers an online service.
The Internet connection and the connection terminal are necessary to use the service.
In order to access the Site’s features, you must register and create your Account (hereafter an “Account”) to become User / Buyer. You may register to receive the Services directly from the Site
b. Accessibility and technical functioning of the site
We undertake to use all reasonable means to keep the site fully operational 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. We do not guarantee that the operation of the site will be continuous and error-free.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS can not be held responsible for the unavailability, interruption or malfunction of the site, for any reason whatsoever and in particular in the event of failure of its Internet service provider, its host, intrusion of third parties Or force majeure.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS can not be held responsible for the disadvantages or damages inherent in the use of the Internet network, such as in particular presence of computer viruses or spyware.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS can not interrupt access, especially for maintenance and upgrade operations or for any other reason, in particular FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is not responsible for any such interruptions and the consequences that may result The User or any third party.
It is recalled that FBC SOLUTIONS SAS may terminate or modify the characteristics of these services at any time without prior notice.Contact Us
If the Partner and / or the User find abuses or violations, or for any complaint relating to the Service, please contact our Customer Service by email:
Or by writing to the following address: FBC SOLUTIONS SAS 3 ter Place Marquis 92140 Clamart
The signed application must include a copy of an identity document as well as the login details of the site.
C. Refusal, Suspension and Interruption of Access
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is at all times free to refuse, interrupt or suspend access to all or part of the site or services, in particular for operational or maintenance reasons, to modify, suspend, delete the site and terminate To its publication on the Internet without the User being entitled to any compensation whatsoever.
D. Free access to certain categories of services
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS provides Users with general information services in free access, that is to say services free of charge and without the need for the user to identify himself or create an Account either on his Blog or on his home page before subscribing to an account on
Access to the site by the User is free upon registration required. However, costs of 20 euros for the connection and the advice given by the support generates a fixed fee of 20 € / order made by the User. These 20 € fees are on the invoice and are non-refundable even after cancellation if necessary.
13. Request for quotation
To benefit from the services of contacting, requesting quotes from local agents, hoteliers and / or local events agencies, designated as Partners / suppliers, and making available personal space your identification and prior agreement Are essential and therefore require that you request a subscription on the site to have the status of User / Buyer.
• You are a natural person;
• You are eighteen (18) years of age or older;
• You register on your own behalf and / or on behalf of the travel company you represent;
• You provide accurate, verifiable, complete and up-to-date personal information
• Your email address must be personal or that of the travel company you represent, valid and must be filled in;
• Your account connections (time, country, Internet service provider, proxy ban) must correspond to normal use of a User Account; • Your credentials must comply with creative rules (do not refer to political orientation, ethnicity, community, religion, not vulgar or insulting, have no sexual or pornographic connotations, do not resemble or Imitate a trademark do not refer to a narcotic product or any other entity prohibited by the law do not resemble or imitate the names of characters created by any of the authors online do not resemble or imitate the name of a member Of the company FBC SOLUTIONS SAS, not to be spelled or spelled alternatively in order to circumvent the rules imposed above).
It is recalled that any person making a false declaration for himself or for another person is exposed, in particular, to the penalties provided for in article 441-1 of the Penal Code, providing for penalties of up to three years’ Imprisonment and 45,000 euros in fines.
14. Connecting with our partners
To be put in contact with our Partners to organize your trip you must in order:
– Select one or more programs (tours and / or stays) in France
– Place your choices in a customizable Basket
– Describe the travelers and complete the personalization form
– Specify your expectations in terms of accommodation, accompaniment, activities etc …
– Provide personal information that will allow our selected partners to contact you and send you an appropriate proposal
– Receive an e-mail of confirmation of your sending of request form of estimate
– Receive a personalized quote directly from the selected partner (s) with an invoice generated by the order before payment.
A. Responsibility for use of the service
You agree to use our services for personal and / or commercial use if you represent a travel company identified for subscription regardless of where you live in the world.
Users acknowledge, as a user of the site, to log in and use the services offered at your own risk. We will not be liable for direct or indirect damages (financial loss, loss of profits, loss of exchange) that you or a third party may suffer for any reason whatsoever due to your connection to the site, Inability to access or connect to the site, or non-functioning or operation of the site. In particular, damage is caused by inaccurate contents, errors, slowness or interruption of transmission, loss, disappearance or alteration of data, viruses, whatever their origin, Intrusions by third parties, and more generally the use of the site or the impossibility of using it.
B. Responsibility for travel provided by our partners / suppliers
The User / Buyer agrees to accept the general conditions of sales and / or cancellations provided by each Partner as soon as you accept their quote and / or make a first payment.
The User undertakes to comply with the rules set forth by the guide or by any other representative of the Partner.
These rules are intended to ensure the smooth running of the program and are also safety rules.
Any activity that you develop that would not be part of the travel program will not be the responsibility of our partners.
You acknowledge that you have read the technical specifications of the equipment to be used to benefit from FBC SOLUTIONS SAS services. All information, contents, files, software and hardware offered by our services are protected by French and international laws concerning intellectual property and The copyright.
Both partners and users declare to be the holder of all the information transmitted on FBC SOLUTIONS SAS. You may not use or transmit data and information that infringes on the rights of others except with the explicit consent of others. Partners are responsible for all content, data, documents or information of any kind that you propose, operate and / or implement on our site.
You warrant that the information transferred in the context of the updates does not infringe the rights of third parties. You also warrant FBC SOLUTIONS SAS against any claim and claim of any kind, including claims for damages, that a third party may make as a result of the fraudulent use of any personal data. The Partners thus assume all the consequences, in particular financial consequences, resulting from the fraudulent use of the data of any nature that you have transferred to our site and will indemnify in particular FBC SOLUTIONS SAS any convictions and defense expenses arising from such legal claims formed By third parties.
D. Liability for viruses
We invite you to check that any file transmitted or recorded on the site does not contain any viruses. You can not save or transmit files that contain viruses or programs that destroy data. Your liability will be incurred in case of infraction.
You acknowledge that you, and not FBC SOLUTIONS SAS through its platform are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent from our site connection tool (computer, mobile, etc.) and that You must use our service in compliance with applicable laws.
17. Liability of local agencies
The client will respect the rules stated by the guide or by any other representative of the local agency, the hotelier or the event agency and / or its representative. These rules are intended to ensure the smooth running of the program and are also safety rules.
Any activity of the client that is not part of the travel program is not the responsibility of the local agent. All requests for additional activities and / or services requested on the spot are to be paid on site to the service providers concerned and are not due by a third party even under the BTOB, except in exceptional cases requested by the buyer in BTOB Guaranteeing the smooth running of the final journey.
• Send an estimate or make personal contact with you, within 72 hours;
• Practicing “live” prices, as practiced locally for local customers;
• Use only the email and phone provided via the platform to communicate with you;
• provide you with all the services mentioned in the travel program;
• Prevent FBC SOLUTIONS SAS clearly by mail when you confirm your request;
• Prevent FBC SOLUTIONS SAS, when the local correspondent is absent whatever the duration and is not able to be reactive.
The partners / suppliers are responsible to you as an intermediary between you and the various service providers (airlines, hotels, transporters, restaurants, boats, …). It must do its best to ensure the best quality of services.
Our partners / suppliers can not be held responsible:
• Forgetfulness, loss or deterioration of your personal belongings;
• theft or damage to your personal belongings in hotels;
• Damaging consequences resulting from an event of force majeure (bad weather, natural disaster, a political problem, strike);
• Damage to other passengers, travelers;
• consequences of delays, impediments, or cancellation of flights by air;
• Consequences related to schedule or airport changes;
• Consequences related to delays, or impediments due to land transport;
• Consequences related to delays, or impediments, or cancellation due to rail transport;
• Failure to respect your schedules.
It should be noted that FBC SOLUTIONS SAS has selected local agents, hoteliers and event agencies with extensive experience in travel planning and who, in case of problems, are accustomed to make the most appropriate decisions and Case by case disputes amicably. Our partners will always strive to find alternatives.
A. Cancellation
Any cancellation must be the subject of a letter, a fax, or an e-mail directly informing FBC SOLUTIONS SAS via the account of the user section cancellation or via the e-mail address of the support support @ france-privatetravels .com. A cancellation fee is charged to the customer. The amount varies according to the time taken for this cancellation and the conditions mentioned on the programs before the final purchase (conditions are given with the estimate before payment).
It is the client’s responsibility to notify his / her cancellation insurance within the time required by the cancellation conditions in order to verify that he / she is eligible for the cancellation fee. The cancellation insurance contribution is held by the User according to his country of origin.
The conditions transmitted by the local agency will be those that will be applied. The amount of cancellation fees will be deducted from the deposit paid by the customer at the time of booking. If the traveler has made his payment on the secure payment platform of FBC SOLUTIONS SAS, he will credit it using the form of payment initially used (bank card, bank transfers etc.). Each partner is obliged to inform you of its conditions, and these will be the ones that will be applied.
Any reservation is effective once a deposit and / or the balance has been cashed.
Being an e-commerce site, the products selected and then transformed according to the wishes of the customers, made available by the partners / suppliers then validated, requires an immediate payment on the site in CB or by bank transfer Upon receipt of the invoice by the user. Any unpaid payment may compromise program availability. FBC SOLUTIONS is not liable in the event of late payment of the cancellation and / or modification of previously validated programs.In the event that trips have been purchased and validated more than thirty days prior to departure, payments are made upon receipt of confirmation from partners to customers. Similarly for a trip ordered and validated less than 30 days before the arrival of customers.
Each partner is obliged to inform you of its terms of sale and cancellations, and these will be those that will be applied via our Mangopay payment software which secures payments.
Depending on the conditions of sales and cancellation of each provider the refunds will be due according to the cancellation dates of the trips requested in writing by the user
Buyers pay the partners through the secure payment platform provided by FBC SOLUTIONS SAS. For this purpose, the partners / suppliers send to the purchasers a payment link communicated via the site, once the estimate has been accepted.
C. Changes
Between the time the quotation is written and the time when you give your consent, availabilities in the accommodation can be questioned. Changes can therefore take place and will be carried out with your agreement.
Any shortened or interrupted journey, or any terrestrial, fluvial, maritime or air service not consumed for any reason whatsoever will not give rise to any refund by our partners.
It is the responsibility of the traveler to take out insurance to reimburse unused benefits.
E. Failure of local agency
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS is not responsible for the services provided by the local agencies and / or all of its suppliers or their failure (filing for bankruptcy, disappearance of executives …). Nevertheless, FBC SOLUTIONS SAS undertakes to do its utmost to replace the services on standards similar to those previously concluded with the defaulting partner according to the availability and possibilities of the alternate partners. If all or the balance of the trip remains to be paid, these amounts would be owed by the client to the alternate partner.
19. Applicable law and courts
The content of is developed and governed in accordance with French laws.
20. Amendments
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS reserves the right to modify in its sole discretion the services, products and contents offered by the site or to restrict access. The use of the site in spite of the notification of change implies acceptance of the modifications implemented.
21. General Provisions
Should any part of these Terms and Conditions be declared invalid or unenforceable under the applicable law, including, but not limited to, the exclusions of warranty and limitations of liability set forth above, the invalid or unenforceable provisions in question shall be deemed Replaced by valid and applicable provisions which most closely correspond to the intention of the origin clause, the other terms of these General Conditions remaining in full force and effect.
FBC SOLUTIONS SAS shall have the right to assign, transmit, subcontract or delegate rights, duties or obligations under these Terms and Conditions. You do not have that right.
If one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use were to become or become invalid in whole or in part, the other provisions would not be affected. The two contracting parties undertake to apply, where appropriate, a new provision which, from the economic point of view, shall be as close as possible to the invalid provision.
Personal data
In order to register on the Site and benefit from our online services, users must imperatively provide their email and password.
Failing this, registration on the Site can not be validated and the person concerned will not have access to the offers proposed by FARNCE PRIVATE TRAVELS for an online order.
The Customer undertakes to provide FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS with a valid email and to inform FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS as soon as possible of any modification. The personal data collected is processed by FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS, in charge of the processing, in order to carry out the current operations relating to the management of its customers and prospects.
In addition, in the event that all or part of FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS is sold or sold to a third party, the information collected from the Customer may be transferred to this third party. FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS is called upon to collect the Customer’s telephone data in order to be able to contact him easily in connection with his order.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 modified, subject to justify its identity, the Customer has a right of access, rectification, and opposition to information concerning him. The Customer has the right to request that the personal data concerning him be rectified, completed, updated, locked or erased if these data are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or if the collection, use, the communication or storage of these data is prohibited. The Customer also has the right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, that personal data concerning him are processed. Such opposition will however make it impossible to access the Site or order by phone.
In the event of an Order in progress, FRANCE PRIVATE TRAVELS will keep the personal data of the Customer until the date of his return and will delete his data as soon as possible from this one, unless otherwise required by law. . The Customer also has the right to define the specific instructions relating to the storage, erasure and communication of his personal data after his death.
These guidelines may be changed or revoked at any time. The Customer may exercise these rights by sending a letter with proof of identity to the following address: 3 ter place Marquis 92140 CLAMART;
Through his user account, the Customer has the ability to manage his personal data. No transfer of the Customer’s personal data will be made without his express consent except for the purposes of executing the Order (communication to suppliers, payment providers, etc.). An unsubscribe link will also be present in all commercial communications sent by email.
If you post a comment on our site, you will be asked to save your name, e-mail address and website in cookies. It’s only for your comfort so you do not have to enter this information if you post another comment later. These cookies expire after one year. If you have an account and log on to this site, a temporary cookie will be created to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser.
When you sign in, we’ll set up a number of cookies to save your login information and screen preferences. The lifetime of a login cookie is two days, that of a screen option cookie is one year. If you check “remember me”, your cookie will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookie will be deleted.
By modifying or posting an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include any personal data. It simply indicates the identifier of the article you have just modified. It expires after one day.
Embedded content from other sites
Articles on this site may include embedded content (eg videos, images, articles …). Content embedded from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were to that other site.
These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, track your interactions with these embedded content if you have a connected account on their website.
Since is not periodically updated on a regular basis, it should not, therefore, be declared as an editorial product under any legal system whatsoever.
FBC SOLUTIONS thanks you for consulting these Terms and Conditions.